Welcome to Dirk Warzecha Consulting

I will turn every stone for you.

Committed and competent consulting in the energy sector.


Zarrentiner Weg 3
25436 Tornesch

What I do

I offer to you consulting in management in general and in the upstream oil and gas exploration and production sector specifically:


Dirk Warzecha Consulting was founded in 2021 as an independent consulting company, active in oil and gas but also other energy sectors.
Currently, I am consulting:

Managing Director

Dirk Warzecha

Who I am

Your expert in energy consulting:

I will turn every stone for you.

Was wir machen

Unsere umfangreichen Leistungen

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Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

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